
In computer programming hash functions map text (or other data) to integer numbers. Usually different inputs maps to different outputs, but sometimes a collision may happen (different input with the same output).


Cryptographic hash functions transform text or binary data to fixed-length hash value and are known to be collision-resistant and irreversible. Example of cryptographic hash function is SHA3-256:

加密哈希函数用来将文本或二进制数据转换为固定长度的哈希值,并且它具有抗碰撞性不可逆性。加密哈希函数的一个例子是 SHA3-256

SHA3-256("hello") = "3338be694f50c5f338814986cdf0686453a888b84f424d792af4b9202398f392"

The above SHA3-256 hash calculation can be coded in Python like this:

上述 SHA3-256 哈希计算可用 Python 编码如下:

import hashlib, binascii
sha3_256hash = hashlib.sha3_256(b'hello').digest()
print("SHA3-256('hello') =", binascii.hexlify(sha3_256hash))

Run the above code example: https://repl.it/@nakov/SHA3-256-hello-in-Python.


The same SHA3-256 hash calculation can be coded in JavaScript like this (after npm install js-sha3):

类似的,SHA3-256 哈希计算可以用 JavaScript 编码如下(需先执行 npm install js-sha3):

sha3 = require('js-sha3');
let sha3_256hash = sha3.sha3_256('hello').toString();
console.log("SHA3-256('hello') =", sha3_256hash);

Run the above code example: https://repl.it/@nakov/SHA3-256-hello-in-JS.



The process of calculating the value of certain hash function is called "hashing".


In the above example the text John Smith is hashed to the hash value 02 and Lisa Smith is hashed to 01. The input texts John Smith and Sandra Dee both are hashed to 02 and this is called "collision".

在上面的例子中,文本 John Smith 被哈希为哈希值 02Lisa Smith 被哈希为 01。文本 John SmithSandra Dee 都被哈希为 02,这就是所谓的“碰撞”。

Hash functions are irreversible by design, which means that there is no fast algorithm to restore the input message from its hash value.


In programming hash functions are used in the implementation of the data structure "hash-table" (associative array) which maps values of certain input type to values of another type, e.g. map product name (text) to product price (decimal number).


A naive hash function is just to sum the bytes of the input data / text. It causes a lot of collisions, e.g. hello and ehllo will have the same hash code. Better hash functions may use the Merkle–Damgård construction scheme, which takes the first byte as state, then transforms the state (e.g. multiplies it by a prime number like 31), then adds the next byte to the state, then again transforms the state and adds the next byte, etc. This significantly reduces the rate of collisions and produces better distribution.

简单的哈希函数就是对输入数据或文本的字节求和。这会引起很多碰撞,例如 hello 和 ehllo 会有相同的哈希值。更好的哈希函数可以使用 Merkle–Damgård 构造方案,它将第一个字节作为状态,然后转换状态(例如将其乘以一个质数,如 31),然后将下一个字节添加到状态中,然后再次转换状态并添加下一个字节,依次重复。这将大大降低碰撞率并产生更好的分布。


In cryptography, hash functions transform input data of arbitrary size (e.g. a text message) to a result of fixed size (e.g. 256 bits), which is called hash value (or hash code, message digest, or simply hash). Hash functions (hashing algorithms) used in computer cryptography are known as "cryptographic hash functions". Examples of such functions are SHA-256 and SHA3-256, which transform arbitrary input to 256-bit output.

在密码学中,哈希函数将任意大小的输入数据(如文本信息)转换为固定长度的哈希值(也可称为哈希码、信息摘要或简单哈希)结果(例如 256 位)。计算机密码学中使用的哈希函数(哈希算法)称为”加密哈希函数“。这类函数的例子有 SHA-256SHA-256,它们将任意输入转换为 256 位的输出。


As an example, we can take the cryptographic hash function SHA-256 and calculate the hash value of certain text message hello:

以加密哈希函数 SHA-256 为例,计算文本信息 hello 的哈希值:

SHA-256("hello") = "2cf24dba5fb0a30e26e83b2ac5b9e29e1b161e5c1fa7425e73043362938b9824"

The above SHA-256 calculation can be coded in Python like this:

上述 SHA-256 哈希计算可用 Python 编码如下:

import hashlib, binascii

sha256hash = hashlib.sha256(b'hello').digest()
print("SHA-256('hello') = ", binascii.hexlify(sha256hash))

Run the above code example: https://repl.it/@nakov/SHA-256-hello-in-Python.


There is no efficient algorithm to find the input message (in the above example hello) from its hash value (in the above example 2cf24dba5fb0a30e26e83b2ac5b9e29e1b161e5c1fa7425e73043362938b9824). It is well-known that cryptographic hash functions cannot be reversed back, so they are used widely to encode an input without revealing it (e.g. encode a private key to a blockchain address without revealing the key).

没有一种有效的算法可以从其哈希值(在上述示例中为 2cf24dba5fb0a30e26e83b2ac5b9e29e1b161e5c1fa7425e73043362938b9824)中找到输入信息(在上述示例中为 hello)。 众所周知,加密哈希函数无法逆推,因此它们被广泛地用于在不显示输入的情况下对输入进行编码(例如,在不显示密钥的情况下对一个区块链地址的私钥进行编码)。

As another example, we can take the cryptographic hash function SHA3-512 and calculate the hash value of the same text message hello:

再举一个例子,我们可以采用加密哈希函数 SHA3-512 计算同一文本信息 hello 的哈希值:

SHA3-512("hello") = "75d527c368f2efe848ecf6b073a36767800805e9eef2b1857d5f984f036eb6df891d75f72d9b154518c1cd58835286d1da9a38deba3de98b5a53e5ed78a84976"


Play with most popular cryptographic hash functions online: https://www.fileformat.info/tool/hash.htm.


Cryptographic hash functions are widely used in cryptography, in computer programming and in blockchain systems.


Last updated